An Introduction

Our Curriculum

An Introduction

Across the school, we follow the National curriculum and a cross curricular approach to learning. There is a clear focus on maths and English, but we strive to ensure that there is a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum across the school. Wherever possible clear links are made between subjects and each term classes have a different topic focus. Children develop their knowledge, skills and understanding and we provide a clear progression for these across the school.

At Sutton we have a carefully designed curriculum that promotes the curiosity of our pupils. We plan progressive learning with clear yearly objectives which build in small steps, recapping before moving on.

We provide differentiated challenges and deliver a learning without limits approach with children choosing their starting points and when to move on to more challenging work.

We believe that if pupils are involved in the learning they will understand and remember. We plan enquiry based learning across all areas with children actively being involved. Our curriculum capitalises upon links between subjects which helps to make learning stick. Our curriculum is memorable through the use of engaging activities, trips and visitors as well as carefully planned entry and exit points into new main topics. Where clear links cannot be made, we teach subjects discreetly. Before planning a new topic we ask the pupils what they already know and what they would like to find out. Our curriculum evolves and is re-evaluated regularly to ensure that we are providing a relevant content to our children.

At the start of each year, for English and maths, we share expectations with parents. As the year progresses we update parents as to the progress that their child is making towards them, putting in extra support where children are finding the year group work too challenging and stretching where children show aptitude for a particular area. We ensure work provided is at the correct level for your child to enable them to make good progress.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please do contact the school office to speak with our Deputy Headteacher and Curriculum Lead, Mrs Garbutt.

The Church Of England Diocese Of Ely
School Games Gold 22/23