French (Years 3 and 4)

Our Curriculum

Bonjour et bienvenue!
What are we learning in French this half term?
In French this half term we will be linking our learning to PSHE and last term’s Science. We will be learning all about ourselves and the language used for body parts and clothing that we wear. 

We will revise colours and months of the year so that the children are able to describe themselves and then talk about what they like and don’t like, when their birthday is and when others in their house have birthdays. 

What French activities are on the homework menu?

All about me

Draw and label yourself and your family. Ensure that you include the colours they are wearing and your pets. 

Around the picture write facts eg. age, things you like, colours and when your birthday is.

Useful Links

1) French Clips –

Collection of classroom clips for counting, playground games, food and drink, animals etc. Short clips 5 minutes each.

2) Rock and Learn –

Learn French for Kids – Numbers, colours and more. Also more videos in playlist. 20 – 40 minutes.

3) Primary French Resources –

Collection of French activities, games and resources. Numbers, letters, colours, weather, animals etc.

4) Numbers game –

French number game with audio options.

5) French Games –

Selection of French games. More for children who can read.

6) BBC French –

An introduction to French. Range of videos covering greetings, introductions, shopping etc.

7) French Stories –

Classic Traditional tales read out in French. – App available

8) Interactive games –

Selection of interactive French activities

9) Games –

Lots of French games for all children. Has audio options.

10) Primary Languages –

Interactive stories, rhymes, activities and word banks.

11) Stories, poems and songs –

Stories, poems and songs in French and English. Better for children who can read.

12) Learn French for beginners –

15 minute video covering French phrases, counting etc. 15 Minutes.

13) Time for French –

Website with resources, support and weekly challenges run by Maryline.

The Church Of England Diocese Of Ely
School Games Gold 22/23