Our School Uniform

Children are proud to wear the Sutton Primary School uniform and it has many benefits such as giving a sense of belonging and making it easier for staff to identify children when on school trips. As all children are expected to wear the uniform it can make a child feel uncomfortable if they are not dressed in the same way as other children at the school. Your co-operation is very much appreciated.

Official Sutton CE (VC) Primary School uniforms with the school logo can be ordered from our supplier, https://www.brigade.uk.com/parents/school/SU3530PD/. Our uniform is as follows:

  • navy blue jumper or cardigan
  • white polo shirt/formal shirt
  • grey/black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
  • blue and white check summer dresses
  • black or grey socks for boys
  • grey or white tights for girls or white socks
  • black school shoes or black trainers
  • PE kit – black shorts and house colour round neck tshirt (blue, green, red or yellow)
  • PE kit – plain black tracksuit/jogging bottoms for outdoor PE

*No jewellery of any description is to be warn in PE session. This includes studs in pierced ears.

Please be aware that children often sit cross-legged, so to avoid embarrassment, skirts should be a suitable length to protect modesty. If a child comes to school inappropriately dressed for school we will contact you to discuss the matter.

The Church Of England Diocese Of Ely
School Games Gold 22/23