The school's ICT provision is managed by Cambridgeshire ICT Service and benefits from a firewall and the protection it affords.
The school follows the ACE e-safety curriculum which rewards children for working within certain safety criteria. Messaging, emailing and blogging is taught and practised by children within the safety of the STARZ+ E- Learning Platform.
Please see below for the school's E-Safety policy.
The school works with the local authority to support E-Safety teaching and learning across our school community.
The site provides up to date information for schools and is regularly updated about certain apps that may need tighter parental control than others, or a tighter set-up generally when the 'app' is first installed.
Please see the websites below for help with how to ensure your child stays safe on the internet:
The document underneath is a good starting point if a new phone or device has been purchased and you want to ensure that it has been set up safely.
Please find below some useful links that are designed to point you in the right direction regarding what information is out there.
Below are some great websites which contain up to date news on internet safety. They also contain some great advice and helpful hints about how to set up the apps safely.
Following on from the Safeguarding bulletin discussing the resurfacing of the MOMO challenge on the soils of UK, please see the advice below from the National Online Safety organisation about healthy lines of conversation about how your children use the internet and some of the sites they visit regularly.
These are things that I'm sure are done regularly and it is a case of keeping up to date with the latest trends / apps.